lundi 28 mai 2007

And now, the shipping forecast.

Whenever you're watching football and you want something to happen, get your mum to stand in front of the telly. It works a treat. Similarly, if you get sick of Blofelt talking about the latest cake they've received at TMS, pray for the shipping forecast. It guarantees a wicket.

This isn't completely unrelated to my adventure, as the last few days have been spent in and around the department of Finnistere, known by me til now only for it's regular TMS interuptions.

The last few days have been a bit of a mixed bag really. Britanny, I thought, was flat. TUrns out it's not. Especially the Black Mountains. Where I took a 'shortcut'. And got horribly lost and ended up in the bottom of a valley it took nearly an hour to climb out of. I spent a night at Birgnagon Plage on the North coast of Brittany, which was a lovely place, and my tent practically had a sea view. However awakening Sunday morning I was in the middle of nowhere, and had to cycle, whatever the weather.

THe weather as it turns out was storms which claimed three lives, and had winds of up to 134km/h. I wisely called it a day after 30k when I hit civilisation, and gave in to the Level 3 alert. THat wind has persisted today rendering cycling far from wise, and as such I disappointingly trained to St Brieuc. Was pretty gutted as I'd got all the way from Carcassone to here without interruption, but if there's one thing I've learnt on this trip it's that you can't beat the weather.

A few random points... I set fire to a pair of Y fronts attempting to dry them on a halogen light and swiftly fled my room before it filled the hotel with smoke. I met a group of guys who thought my project was so great they bought me a Pirates of the Caribbean 'fun cone', which though not aerodynamic, did contain fun games though sadly no naughty pictures of Keira Knightley. And my daily routine has a couple of exciting changes. For breakfast I now have two baguettes rather than one, and take an afternoon break in a cafe betting on French horse racing about which I know nothing at all.

A bientot... Less than two weeks in fact. x

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