vendredi 8 juin 2007

And now, the ends is near...etc.

Here it is, the last entry (until the inevitable epilogue).

Today I travelled out from Versailles to Jouy en Josas (my old stomping ground) so I could see just how far I've come over these last few months. The answer is about 6 kilometres. Now that is a bad joke.

Either way, I triumphed French administration (at least for a while) today, defeating my old landlord by recovering my deposit, and conning the French police into thinking my passport had been stolen rather than carelessly lost.

Aside from such frippancies (is that a word?), I'd like to conclude this entry, and indeed my Tour with a rather disgustingly soppy message. My friends and family already know me as a rather soft and sentimental git, so this should come as no particular surprise to you.

If I've learnt anything over these last ten weeks it's this...

Give everything your all, and fuck it if it's not enough - sometimes you're gonna have to take the train.
Look after yourself, but never forget those around you. Friends, family, and the people you meet on the way are what makes life worth living.

So thank you to you all. Whether it's been by text, phone call, facebook abuse or whatever, I couldn't have done it without your support. And thank you to to anyone reading this who I met along the way, Daniel and Sonia, Jacques Isabel and Eliza, and all those whose name I didn't catch, but tooted me and cheered, bought me a pirates of the caribbean fun cone, or offered me a free Opel Corsa, thank you all.

I told you it'd be soppy, but there it is. I've missed you all dearly, and can't wait to see you. X

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