mercredi 27 juin 2007


It's been a while in coming, and inevitably it's far from worth the wait. But here it is, my last blog entry...

All physical form gained on the Tour as been lost somewhere beneath Birthday parties, May Week and Glastonbury. My cycling kit lies rotting and still in my paniers in my parisian flat and will probably be unusable ever again. The bike lies disassembled after I drunkenly took it apart for a bet. But, the memories are still there. (Cue wretching in disgust from several readers I'm sure).

All that remains is for me to thank you all for spending your valuable time reading my ramblings, and to thank those of you generous enough to donate to Save the Children in the form of sponsorship. The total stands currently at £2,350 , an amount which will make a huge difference to many lives. So, thank you all again. Ed xxx

(If you wish to make a donation and haven't yet done so details are online at

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